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The stories behind the music

Until Next Time

The end of the year is alwasy a moment for reflection. It can be happy it can be sad, it's always part of our experiences. But thinking that another year is coming and more opportunities can be created is a wonderful sensation.

Smile to Life

It's always time to reflect on the time passed by and no matter what happened good or bad it's important to have a good attitude towards life so... Smile to Life and good things will come your way!

Stargazing Tonight

Being outside in a clear night with your head towards the sky and admiring the infinite stars that shine above you. In that moment you experience the greatness of nature that can paint such a beautiful picture while your eyes go from one point to another trying to create imaginary stories connecting all the dots. Peaceful moments.

Mystery Box

Curiosity is a good thing in life. Think the trepidation you can have when someone gives you a wrapped box without telling you what is inside. You might be surprised and the more you unwrap the more your curiosity grows finding things inside you didn't expect.

Melting Pot

In this piece I wanted to put together different instruments coming from different part of the world and also different style belonging to different cultural influences.

Hunting Ghosts

Sometimes fears can paralyze you. But are those fears real or not real? Better hunt them and find peace within yourself even if the journey can be tormented and with obstacles.


Think if instruments could talk to each other especially after a long and tiring rehearsal when the musicians are gone. I guess different personalities would pop up but always in the good spirit of music.

Sunset Dream

What if you were on an exotic island with a perfect temperature, with a gentle breeze, falling asleep on a hammock and having a wonderful dream?

Fallen Leaves

The sound of nature getting ready for the winter time can have some magic in it. Even Fallen leaves can give you vibrations that can make you feel warm inside, wrapped in a cozy hug.

You're still My Friend

We were very good friends. Sometimes a word can be misunderstood and leave room for incomprehension that could harm the strongest friendship. The stupid ego poisoned our relationship. It's sad to see where we got considering all the things we went through together. We shared great moments and wonderful conversation. We should have been more sensibility in handling our last conversation but you know what? Past is past and we are still friends. At the end dialogue can solve and overpass every issue.

Eulogy for a Broken Heart

Imagine how someone would feel with a broken heart. What they would say to it, a farewell to the feelings they'll never experience again because the wound is too deep so the only thing is to celebrate what made them feel alive.

Sliding Doors

The reality is distorted: everybody moves at different speed and still interacting to each other. There's a fear of the unknown but at the same time the excitment of it. There's only one thing to do: stand in front of that door and see what's beyond it and every time there could be a different surprise but time is ticking and there's so much to uncover.

A Slice of Cool for Breakfast

When you feel youre writing music and no one is listening you just keep writing because it's inside of you. For the title well, that's a sentiment probably italian speakers will get: bottom line I write what I feel and if you don't share this sentiment you can always have a Slice of Cool for Breakfast

Let's Waltz!

The foggy memories of the first time you dance in public. Tension, stress, fear of failing after all the classes you took. As soon as the music starts you move with confidence and all the negative thoughts vanish and you fly on your feet enchanted by the music that carries you around the dancefloor like you're in a bubble.

Saved Soul ( Road Trip to Heaven)

The journey s complete. Serenity is waiting, calmness. Everything looks beautiful, all the flowers have a wonderful scent. There's still room to think about the challenges that have been encountered and conquered. Yes! Ready for the last steps but always careful where the feet land.

To Hell and Back

You don't believe to have fallen in Hell. The air is rusty and seemes to breath metallic stuff. You feel you don't belong in this tormented place where voices welcome you. You start your trip following a light, overpassing obstacles because you are determined to get out of this nefastous place. Your strengths are abandoning you but you know you can do it and you do it.The more you go on the more the voices enourage you to don't give up and don't look back.

I Knew You Were the One

The question was: Is this going to be another failing date? The answer was immediately there and little by little you could feel that you found the right person for you. Every look, every laugh, every shy turn of the head....You couldn't believe it but it was happening, for both... And the story was written with a rollercoaster of emotions, good moment, difficult discussions but always with a loving heart and the confirmation that you found each other in the right moment and at the right time.

Unrested Soul

What happened? What is this place? Lots of questions with no answers. The subconscious is talking to you and now you can remember and understand. Don't struggle, embrace your fears and you will be able to find peace.

Another Day is Gone

And you have arrived at the end of the day. You accomplished a lot of things during your day and now you feel relaxed in bed with a happy face, staring at the ceiling and planning what to do tomorrow. Life is good and the sense of satisfaction for a very productive day is a great sensation that make you feel the pillow even softer than it is. Close your eyes, you did good today.

A Weekend Without You

A weekend is not such a long time but when you are away from the person you love it can feel like an eternity. You smile thinking about the funny moments together, the little useless discussions... everything seems so small and futile. Soon you'll see each other again and with this thought the days will pass by fast.

Hymnum Gloriae

Outside it's a battlefield with bodies piled up: desolation, destruction, smell of death. When everything seems lost there's a ray of light that brings hope and time for redemption. The celebration of a new life begins. Never lose hope and never give up, always turn struggle into strength.

Thoughts in the Rain

Looking outside of your window, watching the rain falling... in every raindrop you can see all your thoughts. You think about your work, your love life, your family, your friends... the more it rains the more thoughts storm in your brain. Until it stops and you know what you have to do...

Dancing under the Moonlight

The moon is up in the sky,the weather is perfect to have a dance with the person you love. You offer the hand and start moving your feet together with the stars tickling the romantic blue sky.

Open Arms

A first impression is always important. Is it really? Take your time to get to know someone. Always keep your mind open like your arms because you never know which opportunities could be there waiting for you and you let them slip away rushing in conclusions that might not be right. But always careful!

Whispers in the Clouds

The sky is blue and the clouds look playful. It looks like you could blow them around. It seems they're smiling at you sharing some funny jokes. They make you giggle and you keep that smile: it didn't take much to be happy just looking up in the sky.


How many times you think about the good old days, smiling at the silly thigs you've done, thinking about friends you lost touch because life goes on... All those experiences made the person you are now: be happy where you are and keep working to be the best you can.

In Your Eyes

The eyes: you can see so many things through them and you can see the real essence of the person in front of you. We are made of beauty, inner beauty that we have the duty to make shine to bring a bright light in the world especially when the days are dark, when you feel down, when you feel misunderstood or you don't know who you are. Look in the mirror and dig into your soul to unleash your beautiful power.

A Tear on Your Face

Every tear has a story. Sadness, rage, happiness, grieve... it doesn't matter how it frames your face and your soul: you're beautiful because you allow your spirit to express itself.

Light at the End

What is important at the end is to be optimistic no matter what. Switch the angle and see that a negative thing has its positive side. Common thing in all situations is that there's always light at the end of the tunnel

Run for the Promised Land

Reaching your goals can be a tortuous path: be consistent and overcome all the obstacles. Observe the difficulties, deal with them, solve the problems, Make it an exciting journey and you'll get there, growing in the meantime

Beyond Hope

The memory of youth with your piano lessons, the hopes, the people around that passed by, the questions that accompanied your life, the hard work you put to reach your goals, the struggles.... the final thought that everything will be fine. Will it be?

Friendly Voices

It all began as a walk surrounded by nature but then something happened... the voices you hear are soothing your spirit and cuddling you. They give you serenity and you feel like you could talk with them for hours… Now you really want them to never disappear and hopefully you'll find a way to communicate. The walk is at its end and it felt good not being alone. We'll be back to this enchanted place

A Night with Nash

Meeting with a friend is always exciting especially if the night's goal is to taste a new wine pairing it with different foods... Every bite gives a different outcome that goes in different directions, horizontal, vertical until the right match creates an explosion of flavors. It was a great night to share with a friend.

Awesome Sauce

A mystery man walks in a room: no one knows him. He carries himself with confidence and charm. Every step he takes, every smile he delivers has a hypnotic effect on the people. Everybody is moving with his rhythm like he was a puppeteer until he leaves and they all go back to their party wondering what just happened

Trip Trap

Your goal is in front of you, you can see it… you close your eyes and imagine the path you have to take: some moments you speed up to get closer to the finish line, some moments you feel stuck, some moments you doubt your choices. There's only one solution: to keep going, overcoming the difficulties you can find on your way knowing you'll find someone that will offer a hand.

Father and Mother

Discussions with parents always happen but sometimes some words come out of our mouth in the heat of the moment. The regret for those words bring you to a place where good memories cheer you up and make you realize that the unconditional love of your parents is stronger than any misunderstanding. They know, they love you as much as you love them.

Beyond the Waves

After a storm there's always at least a moment of quiet where you can reconsider what happened and address the next step you're going to take with great optimism.

Meeting you at Christmas

How many expectations can you have for a date? All the anticipation to meet someone, checking that everything is in place, heart pounding… A long breath and maybe this meeting at Christmas day will bring you happiness and the love you are looking for… hopefully under the mistletoe

Inner Conversation

When you are in a dark place and you think about your emotions you hear a lot of voices that speaking create mixed feelings that wrap you all at once.

R & M

Two lovers have been the afterlife he's looking for her, he's desperate and wants to find her. She's looking for him as well. They are so close but can't see each other until their hands touch and magically they are reunited forever.

Walking on the Street

Beautiful day to take a long walk. Everybody is out and in a great mood. A variety of people on the street, talking, laughing. All enjoying a very nice day. Everybody feels like dancing as if they were in LaLa Land....the traffic stops and a big coreography starts until it's time to go back home thinking another blissful day has passed.

Night Out

It's a refreshing evening in an exotic place with the nature expressing herself around you and with people talking and having good time. A sensual lady is dancing in the square. You both get close and gaze in each other eyes and start dancing a sensual dance, flying with the fantasy like living a dream with the crowd around in circle admiring the exhibition. You don't want this to end and you'll do what you can to not make it happen.


The sky is getting darker and clouds are full, and eletricity is permeating the air by the minute. Until the storm erupts in all its power.


And the day that you don't want to do anything arrives. You feel just to go out and don't care about anything although there's a little bit of melancholy but you keep smiling.


You see the finish line in front of you but the path has lots of impediments. You don't give up and keep running because the final reward is waiting for you. Step by step you avoid and jump over all the obstacles.


Remember episodes of your life can create a turmoil of emotions that make you live every moment of those events and they feel like a knife twisting an old wound. But you embrace that pain that made the person that you are now. And keep living

Stella Maria

When hope seems to have abandoned everybody, there's always someone above us that is ready to listen to our prayer, comforting, giving us strenght and fulfilling our soul with the love that is needed.


A child falling asleep listening to an old story. Little animals cheering his dreams, a carillon cuddling his sleep

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